Student Handbook

Let it be known to all who enter St. Mark School
That Christ is the reason for this school,
The unseen, but ever-present Teacher in its classes,
The Model of its faculty,
And the Inspiration of its students.

St Mark Logo

Mission Statement

Saint Mark Catholic School welcomes all students to a faith-filled rigorous academic environment. We are a center of evangelization that calls all to live fully the message of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to work together with parents and guardians to help our students grow both academically and spiritually, and to empower them to become caring and contributing citizens.

This handbook contains current policies and procedures of Saint Mark School. The school may change any of its policies and procedures and apply them as circumstances dictate. If you have a question about a particular policy or procedure, please contact the principal.

Please review the updated 2022 Handbook:

Click here for updated 2022 Handbook

I. Memorandum of Understanding (Updated 2022)

Every Catholic school student has a right to be treated as a child of God, with the love and respect that implies, regardless of family circumstances. In like manner, the believing community has the right to an education guided by Catholic teaching and identity, unimpeded by pressures contrary to Church teaching.
As a parent/guardian of a student in a Catholic school, I understand, affirm and support the following:

  1. The primary purpose of a Catholic school education is two-fold: to strengthen the Catholic community in its faith and to form students in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
  2. Catholic schools are distinctive religious education institutions guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church. They are not simply private schools offering a positive moral code. Rather, they exist to advance the faith mission of the sponsoring Catholic parish(es), Archdiocese or Catholic religious community.
  3. While Catholic education places a high value on academic excellence and extracurricular achievement, the fundamental priority is fidelity to Catholic teaching and identity.
  4. Attending a Catholic school is a privilege, not a right. The school and administration have the responsibility to ensure that Catholic teaching and moral integrity permeate every facet of the school’s life and activity and that the school is able to function as a community of faith.
  5. In all questions that involve Catholic teaching, morals and Church law, the final determination rests with the Archbishop.

As a parent/guardian desiring to enroll my child in a Catholic school, I accept this memorandum of understanding. I pledge support for the Catholic identity and mission of this school and by enrolling my child I commit myself to uphold all principles and policies that govern the Catholic School.

I. Administration Contact Information

Pastor: Father Dennis Mooney (215) 788-2493
Principal: Mrs. Maria Sanson (215) 785-0973 |
Administrative Asst.: Ms. Erin Melling (215) 785-0973 |
Parish Office: (215) 788-2319
Business Manager (Tuition & School Finance): Mr. Fred Perazzelli  (215) 788-2319 |


Hours of Operation

Regular school hours are 7:35 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Early dismissal is at 11:30

The school day is as follows:
               7:15 a.m.                              Doors Open
               7:35 a.m.                             Prayers/School Begins
               11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.     Grades Pre-K– 2/ Lunch/Recess
               11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.     Grades 3-5/Lunch/Recess
               12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.   Grades 6-8/Lunch/Recess
               1:55 p.m.                              Pre-K Dismissal
               2:00 p.m.                             Grades K-8 Dismissal
               5:45 p.m.                              CARES closes

II. Admissions & Registration

General Policies

Saint Mark School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available.  The school does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, its admission policy or in any school-administered program.  The school endeavors to accommodate students with special needs, as the school's resources and capabilities reasonably permit.


Pre K to 8th Grade

Children must be 4 years old by September 1st to be admitted to Pre K.
Children must be 5 years old by September 1st to be admitted to Kindergarten.
Children must be 6 years old by September 1st to be admitted to First Grade.

All new students entering K-8 must have the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate (if not baptized in St. Mark Church)
  • Record of Immunizations
  • Registration Forms and fee
Continuous Enrollment

Saint Mark School utilizes a "Continuous Enrollment" concept for students enrolled in our school.  Continuous Enrollment assumes that once enrolled, a child will continue their education until graduation from eighth grade.  Since most of our families remain year after year, this will streamline the enrollment and the enrollment process by reducing time and paperwork for the parents and the school staff.


When a student must transfer to another school, it is necessary for parents to provide our school office with the name of the new school. Transcripts are never given to parents/guardians or students. Upon a request from the new school, transcripts are sent directly to that school in which the student will be enrolled. Saint Mark School may withhold academic records if all financial obligations are not satisfied.


The Blackbaud Tuition Company provides the parents/guardians with information regarding the type of payments that are available.  If there is a problem with Blackbaud Tuition, please call the parish office at 215-788-2319 and ask for the Business Manager.  All financial responsibilities must be satisfied in order for your child to receive his/her report card or attend class trips. Parents/Guardians may not attend Report Card Conferences if tuition is not up to date or arrangements have not been made with the Business Manager.

Legal Custody Issues

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to inform the school in writing when legal custody of the child/children resides with one parent/guardian. It is important for the school to have a copy of the legal custody decree. This will help school personnel make decisions should the need arise. Custodial parents/guardians are likewise asked to supply the school wit copies of any restraining orders.

A child will not be released to a parent/guardian that does not have physical custody, without the consent of the custodial parent/guardian. To determine the custodial parent/guardian, all separated or divorced parent/guardians of children enrolled in the parish school must provide the school with a copy of the court order or custodial agreement adjudicating that determination of custody. This Court Order/Custodial Agreement is placed in a confidential file.

Those individuals who have legal custody of the student may attend school meetings, participate in educational decisions and review educational records regarding that student. Persons who do not have legal custody (including those with visitation rights but not legal custody) have no such educational rights and may not participate in these matters.

III. Academic Policies


Saint Mark Catholic School and Preschool offers continuous academic development following the guidelines prescribed by the Office of Catholic Education of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

The school curriculum emphasizes the development of basic skills and critical thinking, and the acquisition of a core knowledge and information. Students are provided with a firm foundation in the Catholic faith, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.  Special emphasis is placed on the development of effective reading, writing, and study skills.  Instruction in Spanish, computers, art, music, health, and physical education provides a well-rounded education.  The goal of the curriculum is to develop in students a deep love and reverence for God, themselves, and others, as well as an ever-increasing knowledge of the world and the skills they will need in their lives.

Religious Program

As a Catholic community, a prayerful, religious atmosphere in our school is developed and maintained through the following:

  • Prayers at the beginning of the school day, before and after lunch and at the end of the school day.
  • Each day a class will attend the 8:00 mass.
  • School liturgies and prayer services throughout the school year.
  • Availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the school year.
  • Sacramental preparation of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

Class Participation

Students are expected to:

  • Give attention and respect to the teacher at all times.
  • Show respect and concern for other students by a willingness to share and take turns.
  • Participate actively in class by responding orally or in writing as circumstances dictate.


Homework is a positive reinforcement of concepts presented in class. It includes both WRITTEN WORK and STUDY ASSIGNMENTS.  Homework is not optional.

Parents are asked to help their children develop good study habits by providing an orderly and quiet atmosphere in which to do homework and to check that assignments are completed every night.  The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has suggested the following allotments for homework:

                              Grades 1 and 2: 30 minutes
                              Grades 3 and 4: 60 minutes
                              Grades 5 and 6: 90 minutes
                              Grades 7 and 8: 120 minutes

Students are expected to keep parents informed of their progress by sharing with them all marked tests, assignment, projects and notices.  Parents are to contact the teacher if you are not receiving test papers or other academic communication on a weekly basis.

Specialsteachers may assign homework.  Students who do not complete homework, due to an absence, are to complete the assignment(s) on their own time.  Incomplete work will result in a deduction of their grade.

All homework assignments will be posted on teacher's classroom page by 3:00.

In an effort to prepare students for high school, students in grades 6-8 may be assigned minimal homework over the weekend and a test/quiz may be given on a Monday.

All homework, tests and projects are due on the day for which they are assigned. In the event of absence (or suspension), the homework, and long-term assignments may be turned in one day late for full credit. All tests must be taken within a day after the student returns to school.  If a pattern of absence is noted on test and project dates, a parent-teacher consultation will be requested.

Report Cards

Class participation and assessments, as well as class projects and activities are combined in order to obtain a report card average.

Report cards are issued three times a year to students in grades Kindergarten to 8th.  Pre-K students receive a progress report twice a year. Each student is responsible for his/her own report card grade by satisfactorily fulfilling the following requirements:

  • Assessments
  • Quizzes
  • Oral and written reports
  • Independent classwork
  • Active participation in classroom lessons and activities
  • Projects
  • Homework assignments

Extra Credit questions are only permitted on an assessment that is offered to all students at the discretion of the teacher.  There is no extra credit given to individual students.

Honors Criteria *Updated for 2023-2024

6th - 8th Grade
First Honors

  • GPA of 92 and above
  • 92 and above in all subjects
  • 3s and 4s in behavior, effort and study skills (no x's)

Second Honors

  • GPA of 85-91
  • 85 and above in all subjects
  • 3s and 4s in behavior, effort and study skills (no x's)

Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences are scheduled at the first trimester report card for students in Pre-K to 8th grade.  Conferences are only scheduled if the teacher and/or parent request the conference.  Arrangements for conferences at any other time during the school year can be made in writing to suit the convenience of both parties whenever deemed necessary for the benefit of the child. When requesting a conference, the parent should state the nature of concern so that the teacher can be prepared to address it.


Student progress is monitored throughout the school year.  At the first report card period, the parent/guardian is informed of the student's academic, social, and emotional progress.   The teacher will contact the parent/guardian of a student who continues to experience difficulty to discuss the possibility of retention and support services.  If retention is indicated, the parent/guardian will receive an official notification, which must be signed and returned.  Promotion or retention is at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with the administration.

Summer Tutoring 

Summer tutoring may be recommended or required for a student.   The purpose of this would be to maintain and/or further develop the student's academic progress.  Mandatory tutoring or attendance at a summer school program is required of any students with failures in math, reading, or other subjects for the year, or if excessive absences necessitate remedial work.  The length of the tutoring will depend on the student's needs.

Standardized Testing Programs

During the school year, students in grades K-8 participate in a standardized testing program which helps to evaluate the progress of each student and provides class and school norms. Testing results are kept on file in the office and a copy is sent to the parents. If a student is on a trip during this time the student's testing will be forfeited. Therefore, we ask that families do not plan any vacations during this time.


Eighth grade students who have completed the prescribed course of study and maintained a suitable discipline record are eligible for graduation if all financial obligations have been met.  The administration and the eighth-grade teacher determine procedures for graduation.

Participation in closing exercises is a privilege, not a right.  The school has the right to deny any student from participating in closing exercises if, in view of the school, the student's conduct, academic, or disciplinary record indicate that the privilege should not be extended.

Extracurricular Activities

Participation in extracurricular activities is contingent upon acceptable behavior.  Moderators may limit participation at their discretion with final approval of the principal.  Students MUST have arrangements for transportation at the conclusion of an after-school club.  Students not picked up within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the club will be sent to CARES and will be billed accordingly.

Student Council

The opportunity to participate in Student Council gives students a leadership experience as they serve their peers and their school. Student Council officers and representatives are asked to:

  • Be role models for other students.
  • Take an interest in all students
  • Work cooperatively to assist our faculty and administration, help other students, and improve our school.
  • Be present for Open House and other special events as needed.

The Student Council officers and representatives are always expected to follow their mission statement. Misbehavior will cause a member to lose his/her position on Student Council. Student Council officers are expected to maintain an average of 80.

Educational Trips

The students may be offered the opportunity to participate in class field trips, both virtually and in person.  The purpose of these trips is to broaden the religious, intellectual, cultural, and social experience of each child.  Parental permission is required of each student.  No verbal approval may be given.  Permission slips must be in writing and only school approval permission slips will be accepted.  Proper dress code and good conduct are essential on these trips.

Books and Materials

Each student must use a book bag.  All lost or damaged books must be paid for in full.  All books must be covered during the first week of school.  Books must be covered throughout the year.  If a cover is destroyed the book must be replaced.

School Library

Students in grades Pre-K-8th have access to materials from the library.  The student must observe the following rules when using the library:

  • All books must be returned within the prescribed time.
  • If a book is lost or damaged, it must be paid for by the parent/guardian.
IV. School Policies


School related information may be accessed through the school website:

Weekly newsletters are emailed to all families on Mondays. The weekly newsletter is also posted on the school website.

Change of Address, Phone Number, and Email

The school office must be informed in writing of any change in address, phone number or email.  This also includes emergency contact numbers.  An emergency contact number must be available during school hours.


Regular attendance is expected of every student in order for the student to make regular progress in his/her studies.  Regular attendance of the student is the responsibility of the parents/guardians.


Parents must call the main office in school by 7:45 a.m. to inform us that you child/children will not be in school.  Your child's safety and welfare are of great importance to us.  Please remember to call the office at 215-785-0973 even if you have informed your child/children's teacher of the absence.  The main office is the primary contact to inform absences.

The State of Pennsylvania requires a written note signed by the parent/guardian stating the reason and date(s) of the absence.  A doctor's note is required for an absence of three or more days. In accordance with the state of Pennsylvania, after numerous absences, a conference with parent/guardian, teacher, and principal will be held to discuss the child's illness.

If an absent note is not received from the parent/guardian within 3 days after the child returns to school, a “1” will be recorded on the child's roll slip, which denotes parental neglect.

Students who are absent more than 25 days a year will be expected to complete assignments over the summer before entering the next grade.  The school will make the decision of the required assignments that must be completed.  The only exception is a serious health issue, documented by a doctor.  In that case the number of days absent is seen as excused.


Punctuality is crucial to your child's success.  A student who is consistently on time has the advantages of preparation for work and a positive attitude toward the school day.

A student in grades K-8 is considered late if he or she is not present in school by 7:35 a.m. and must report to the office for a late slip in order to be admitted to class.

Latenesses will be recorded. Students will receive a demerit each time they are late. Five demerits will result in a lunch detention. Chronic lateness will result in administrative review of the situation.  Late bus arrivals do not constitute a late arrival.

Early Dismissal - Individual Students

Parents/Guardians or an authorized person must report to the school office to meet the student and to sign the student out.  No student may leave the school building at any time without a parent/guardian or authorized person.

Vacation Policy

  • Vacation during the school year is strongly discouraged.
  • Classroom teachers and school office must be notified in writing of a family vacation during the school year.
  • Teachers are NOT responsible to assign work before the rest of the class receives the assignment or is taught the work.
  • Any tests, projects or assignments scheduled during such an absence must be made up within a week of returning to school or forfeit the grade.
  • If a student fails such an assignment, it is due to the missed time and work.  Therefore, there is very little a teacher can do to assist the child in such circumstances.
  • If a family vacation occurs at the end of the school year, all assignments and tests must be completed before the final report card will be issued.

Telephone - School Office

The telephone in the school office is for school business only.  Students will be permitted to use the telephone in case of an emergency. It is the student's responsibility to check school supplies before leaving home. Urgent messages for students may be relayed from the school office.  Messages can be given to the school secretary when necessary and they will be given to the appropriate teacher.  Please make sure your child knows his/her end of day arrangements before arriving to school.

Cellular Telephone /Handheld Electronic Games / Smart Watches

The school is not responsible for any cell phones or electronic equipment.  These items may not be used during school hours, must be turned off, and placed in the student's school bag.

Behavioral Expectation of Students 

The mission of Saint Mark School is to form Catholic leaders who are self-disciplined.  The students are called to be caring, respectful, responsible and enthusiastic students. The observance of school rules is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere for learning. Faculty and parents must work together to assist the students in their religious, academic, social, and physical development.

When students do not meet these expectations of behavior, the school staff will utilize interventions that enables students the ability to solve problems, and help them understand how their behavior impacts others.

The discipline policy applies to students and parents/guardians in school, at school sponsored events, in the school/parish community, as well as outside the school/parish community where the behavior is contrary to Catholic teachings.

The following guidelines are formulated to increase student awareness of personal responsibilities as a student of Saint Mark School.  Students are expected to:

  • Respect all persons, adult and peers, in word, action, and attitude.  This includes any adult in the school building, schoolyard, or church.  All students should treat each other with consideration and respect.
  • Treat all personal and school property with respect.
  • Obey all classroom rules established by the teacher.
  • Be prepared for class.
  • Complete assigned homework.
  • Complete assigned classwork.
  • Comply with the school dress code.
  • Obey lunchtime and schoolyard rules.
  • Act with reverence in church.

When appropriate, age-appropriate disciplinary consequences result from unacceptable behavior. In an effort to support the development of our students, the following steps will be implemented:

  • Demerits: Demerits will be issued when needed.
  • Conferencing: The teacher will interview the student(s) to discuss the behavior, its results and the consequences of their action.
  • Disengage from the classroom environment: The student will be removed from the classroom for a brief, specific period of time.
  • Lunch detention: The student will serve supervised lunch detention for a time that reflects the nature of the infraction.

These interventions may be combined if the teacher or administrator deems it appropriate.
After school detentions may be issued for serious infractions including but not limited to the following:

  • Physical Aggression
  • Inappropriate Language
  • Verbal Harassment
  • Disrespect
  • Defiance
  • Cheating
  • Stealing
  • Forgery
  • Vandalism
  • Dishonesty
  • Bullying

Detentions will be held from 2:15-3:15. Transportation for students is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Each student must be signed out by a parent/guardian. The teacher /administrator reserves the right to determine the time and day of detention, as well as the consequences for any major offenses.

Please note that immediate detentions, in-school suspension, removal from school, and expulsion can be a consequence for all students in any grade.  In-school suspension is sometimes an option in lieu of out-of-school suspension.  The determination lies at the discretion of the administration and is relative to the nature of the situation.  On occasion and depending upon the situation, parents may be called to remove their child from school.  A meeting will be arranged and conditions for return to school will be discussed with parent.

It should be noted that every effort is taken to follow a prescribed course of action in regard to consequences related to student's behavior and responsibilities.  However, each situation is handled on an individual basis taking all factors into consideration.  Comparisons should not be made.

An inability of a student to work toward improved self-discipline can result in the recommendation of an alternative school placement.  In addition, the student, if suspended but not dismissed, may be required to have psychological or psychiatric clearance before returning to school.

Serious infractions, including but not limited to the following, may result in the immediate removal of a child from school with the intent to permanently dismiss:

  • Misuse of communication devices in school, at home, or off premises that target any student, teacher, or staff member
  • Alcohol and/or drug possession or use
  • Weapon possession
  • Both physical and/or verbal intentional harm towards a student, teacher, or staff member
  • Possession of materials or a display of actions deemed immoral by the Administration

At any time, the administration has the right and authority to impose consequences in keeping with the mission and philosophy of the school in order to protect and preserve the well-being and safety of the school community.

It is the intent of the school to provide an educational environment free from all forms of improper threats, intimidation, hostility and offensive and inappropriate behavior.  Such improper conduct may take the form of unwanted verbal or physical conduct, verbal or written derogatory or discriminatory statements, and behavior not otherwise conducive to the educational and religious mission of the school.

This policy applies both in and out of the classroom, in the school community generally and outside the school community, where the behavior is contrary to Catholic teachings or could bring disrepute or embarrassment to Saint Mark School.  Conduct by students and parent/guardians, or anyone acting on their behalf, incompatible with the educational and religious mission of the school is grounds for disciplinary action, including, but not limited to the immediate dismissal of the student, as well as reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities where appropriate.

Bullying Policy

The faculty and staff of Saint Mark School is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for their students.  The faculty and staff recognize that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation and detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning.

Bullying means a communication or act that is intentional and delivered in electronic, written, verbal and physical form to another student or students, which occurs in or is related to a school setting or activity that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:

  • Substantially interfering with a student's education
  • Creating of an intimidating or threatening school environment
  • Substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school

Bullying, as defined in this policy, includes communication delivered through the Internet, including social media (cyberbullying).  School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in vehicles transporting school students, at any assigned bus stop, or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school.  Saint Mark Catholic School prohibits all forms of bullying/cyberbullying whether or not the bullying/cyberbullying occurs during school hours, on school transportation or through the use of personal computer in the home setting.

A student who violates this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include school discipline, suspension, or expulsion. Investigation of complaints made by students, third parties and/or parents shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures listed below.

Reporting Procedures - Complaints alleging violations of this policy shall be reported to the principal or his/her teacher. All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the principal or his/her designee. All other members of the school community, including pupils, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), volunteers and visitors are encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this policy.

Investigation - The principal or his/her teacher is responsible for determining whether an alleged act constitutes a violation of this policy. The principal or his/her teacher shall conduct a thorough and complete investigation of the alleged incident. The principal or his/her teacher will maintain a record of each investigation regarding allegations of harassment, intimidation and bullying.

Response to an Incident of Bullying - Some acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may be isolated incidents requiring the school to respond appropriately to the individual(s) committing the acts. Other acts may be so serious or part of a larger pattern of harassment, intimidation, or bullying that require a response either at the classroom, school building, or by law enforcement officials. Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for pupils who commit an act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying range from counseling interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion. It should be noted that every effort is taken to follow a prescribed course of action in regard to consequences related to student’s behavior and responsibilities. However, each situation is handled on an individual basis taking all factors into consideration. Comparisons should not be made.

Reprisal or Retaliation are prohibited against any person who reports an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. The consequence and appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation shall be determined by the principal or his/her teacher after consideration of the nature and circumstances of the act.

Consequences for False Accusation - Consequences and appropriate remedial action for a pupil found to have falsely accused another as a means of harassment, intimidation or bullying range from counseling interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion.


Saint Mark School follows the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Policy prohibiting harassment, including sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, or any verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.  Any student or parent/guardian who is determined to have violated this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of the student.

Student Dress Code

The personal appearance of a student represents that individual.  The personal appearance of the entire student body represents the school to others. Therefore, Saint Mark School adheres to a strict dress code.  A neat appearance demonstrates respect for other and fosters an individual's sense of self-respect and pride.  Saint Mark School's uniform consists of:


Hair Styles and Grooming

  • Outlandish hairstyles/colors and bleaching are not permitted; natural hair color is expected.
  • Nail polish or artificial nails are not permitted
  • No makeup is to be worn
  • Hairbands must be plain and simple, without ornaments.
  • Simple hair accessories are acceptable.


The following may be worn:

  • A necklace with a cross or religious medal
  • A watch (no smart watches)
  • One pair of small post earrings (no dangling or cartilage earrings)

Summer Uniform: Grades 1-8

  • Must be worn until September 30th
  • Optional in October and in April
  • Must be worn beginning May 1st through the end of the year
  • Cuffed, khaki shorts or skorts (no cargo shorts)
  • Navy short-sleeved embroidered polo shirt (must be tucked in)
  • White socks
  • Sneakers (predominantly white, no colored laces)
  • *No "hoodie" or non-regulation sweatshirt/sweater of any kind may be worn during class.

Winter Uniform: Grades 1-8

  • Must be worn November 1st
  • Optional in October
Grades 1-5
  • Black Watch Plaid tunic with belt (no more than 3 inches above the knee)
  • Long or short sleeved white oxford blouse
  • Only V-neck or Cardigan navy blue embroidered sweater(must be worn)
  • Navy blue knee socks or navy-blue tights
  • Navy blue or black shoes with rubber sole (no colored laces/no sneaker type shoe)
* No "hoodie" or non-regulation sweatshirt/sweater of any kind may be worn during class.

Grades 6-8
  • Black Watch Plaid kilt skirt (no more than 3 inches above the knee)
  • Long or short-sleeved white oxford blouse
  • Only V-neck or cardigan navy blue embroidered sweater (must be worn)
  • Navy blue knee socks or navy-blue tights
  • Dark blue, black, or brown shoes with rubber sole (no colored laces or slip-on flats)
 * No "hoodie" or non-regulation sweatshirt of any kind may be worn during class.


Hair Styles and Grooming

  • Hair must be neatly trimmed and cut above the shirt collar, ears and eyebrows.
  • Outlandish hairstyles/colors and bleaching are not permitted;
  • natural hair color is expected.


The following may be worn:

  • A necklace with a cross or religious medal
  • A watch (No SMART watches)

* Boys may not wear earrings

Summer Uniform

  • Must be worn until September 30th
  • Optional in October and April
  • Must be worn beginning May 1st through the end of the year
  • Khaki shorts (no cargo shorts)
  • Black or brown belt
  • Navy short-sleeved embroidered polo shirt (must be tucked in)
  • White socks
  • Predominately white sneakers, no colored laces

* No "hoodie" or non-regulation sweatshirt/sweater of any kind may be worn during class.

Winter Uniform

  • To be worn beginning October 1st
  • Summer uniform is optional in October and April
Grades 1-5
  • Khaki slacks (no cargo pants)
  • Long or short sleeved white, embroidered polo shirt (must be tucked in)
  • Brown or black belt
  • Only V-neck or cardigan navy blue embroidered sweater(must be worn)
  • Brown, white or navy socks
  • Dark blue, black, or brown shoes with rubber sole (no sneaker - type shoes)
Grades 6-8
  • Khaki slacks (no cargo pants)
  • Long or short-sleeved white oxford button down shirt
  • Uniform tie
  • Brown or black belt
  • Only V-neck or cardigan navy blue sweater, embroidered (must be worn)
  • Brown, white, or navy socks
  • Dark blue, black or brown shoes with rubber sole (no sneaker type shoes)

Kindergarten Uniform

Kindergarten students wear the summer or winter gym uniform each day.

Gym Uniform: Girls and Boys

Summer Uniform

  • Must be worn until September 30th
  • Optional in October and April
  • Must be worn beginning May 1st through the end of the school year
  • Solid navy-blue mesh shorts
  • Gray T-shirt with silk screened logo
  • White socks
  • Predominantly white sneakers, no colored laces

Winter Uniform

  • Must  be worn beginning November 1st
  • Summer uniform is optional in October and April
  • Navy blue sweatpants
  • Navy blue sweatshirt with silk-screened logo
  • White socks
  • Predominantly white sneakers , no colored laces

Pre K

  • Students may wear play clothes dressed for the season
  • Sneakers should be worn daily
  • No flip flops may be worn

All uniforms can be purchased at:

Flynn and O'Hara Uniforms
10905 Dutton Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154

St. Mark School logos and embroidery are also available at:

Great ID's by Anne
255 Radcliffe Street
Bristol, PA 19007

Dress Down Day Guidelines for K-8th
  • Pants: Appropriate fitting/no ripped jeans
  • Yoga and biker shorts are not acceptable
  • Leggings are not acceptable unless covered by appropriate length (mid-thigh) top, skirt or dress
  • Skirts/skorts no more that 3 inches above the knee
  • Sneakers or flat rubber healed shoes/boots only, no flip flops
VII. General Supervision on School Grounds


Each child must go directly to their classrooms between 7:15 a.m. and 7:35 a.m. Students are to walk on the sidewalk beside the parking lot.
The school is not responsible for students on the premises during unsupervised times.


Entry is not permitted into the school building before school, at recess or lunch, or after dismissal at any time, unless a member of the school staff gives explicit permission to do so. Students are not permitted to open the school doors.

No student may leave the school premises at any time without permission. No student may be left alone in a classroom. A violation of these regulations may result in automatic suspension. Every student must stay within the established boundaries when outdoor for lunch recess.

All visitors must report to the school office and sign in.


Students are dismissed from their classroom by their teachers at 2:00. Pre K students are dismissed at 1:55. Students are to walk on the sidewalk beside the parking lot. No child may leave the building prior to dismissal without the principal's permission.

If a child is not picked up by 2:00 p.m., he/she will be placed in CARES, and parents/guardians will be assessed a fee.

VIII. Health

School Nurse

The school nurse is employed by the Bristol Borough School District and provided to Saint Mark School by the Bristol Borough School District, based on the enrollment, on days and times selected by the district.

Illness or Injury during school hours

Teachers are trained and certified in CPR and the use of the AED machine, which is located in the gym. Care given in the school is limited to first aid in accidents or illness until the parents/guardians can be reached to take the child home, to the doctor, or to the hospital. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the school will call the paramedics if deemed necessary by the administration.

The school nurse is here to handle situations that occur during the school day while she/he is here. The school nurse is NOT here to treat lingering illnesses that have been noticed at home.

No faculty, staff, or administrator may administer medication at any time to a student. 

Medical Records

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has mandated that all parents of students entering kindergarten or first grade present documented proof that immunizations have been received.

After the basic series of three Oral Polio Vaccine, Diphtheria and Tetanus are due between four and six years of age. A Diphtheria-Tetanus booster should follow this between 14 and 16 years of age with a subsequent booster every ten years. Each child is required to have a Tuberculin Time test within a three-month period prior to entering school.

Please inform the school nurse, in writing, when boosters are given. Other immunizations may be required. Failure to provide records will result in a dismissal from school until records are received.

Emergency Contact Forms

The school requires the parents/guardians of each student to complete two emergency contact forms (per child) provided by the school. It is important that the information on these forms is accurate and up to date, so that the school can contact the parent/guardian in the event of an emergency. An emergency contact is someone who must be able to pick up your child due to an illness or emergency. Please notify the school if any of this information changes at any time. Please note any special directives regarding call order, otherwise primary guardian will be called first.


It is generally recommended that prescription medicines be given to the student before and or after school, in accordance with the physician's directions. In those rare instances where the medication must be given during the school day, it should be given directly to the teacher by the parent. The teacher will then give the medication to the school nurse. Medication must be taken by the student in the presence of the school nurse. If the school nurse is not available other staff cannot administer the medication. The parent/guardian will be notified in such a situation. No medications should be placed in lunch boxes or school bags of students. Students may NOT self-administer medications.

It is not recommended that students carry a full prescription bottle to be taken back and forth daily. Prescription and non-prescription over the counter medications must be in the original container with a note from the parent/guardian and physician to include:

  • Name of medicine
  • Dosage
  • Time of administration
  • Dates to be given
  • Reason for medication

If your child has a specific medical problem, please notify the classroom teacher and the nurse in writing of the problem, including frequent trips to the bathroom. Medic-Alert bracelets are strongly recommended for any child with a medical problem (asthma, diabetes, seizures, and other chronic illnesses).

IX. Transportation

Before the school year begins, parents/guardians complete a form identifying their child/children's transportation arrangements. Any change in these arrangements must be made in writing, even if it is a change for only one day.


The local public school districts provide bus transportation for students who reside at a distance greater than one mile from the school. Please Note: Bristol Borough does not provide bus transportation.

Students who ride the school bus are expected to behave in a safe and orderly manner at all times. Failure to do so will result in their being denied the privilege of riding the bus. Students must ride the same bus both morning and afternoon as assigned to them by the school district.

Bus riders are not permitted to walk home unless the parents/guardians send a not to the teacher and the principal asking permission for this exception.

Please do not request permission, written or verbal, from the principal or teacher for a student who is a non-rider to take the bus to any location on a given day. The school is not in a position to grant such a request. If you wish to pursue such a change, you must call the transportation office of the local public school district.

Bus stops and times are usually sent by postcard or posted on the respective school district's website. St. Mark School is not responsible for arranging times and bus stop locations. That is at the discretion of the school district providing busing. If you have a question or concern about a location or time, please contact the transportation department of your school district.

Bus Safety

It is extremely important that all students realize their individual responsibility toward the safe transportation of students to and from school on the bus. For this reason, the following regulations, and any others instituted by the school district, will be enforced:

  • No student may stand while the bus is in motion
  • No student may throw anything from the window of the bus, nor may a child extend his/her head, arm or leg out the bus window
  • No student may deface the bus property in any way
  • No student may raise his/her voice on the bus above the tone used in normal conversation
  • Each student must answer the bus driver and student safety in a respectful manner at all times

Failure to follow the rules of the bus may result disciplinary action including loss of the privilege of riding a bus to/from school.

Car Riders and Walkers

Everyone's safety is our concern. Everyone must cross at the crosswalk when crossing the street. Parent/guardians are NOT permitted to drive into the front schoolyard to drop off or pick up your children before or after school. This creates a hazardous situation and jeopardizes the safety of our students. 

Crossing Guards

Crossing guards are provided by the Bristol Borough Police Department. They are not employees or under the direction of our school. The school is not responsible for the conduct of crossing guards or for insuring that crossing guards are posted as scheduled.

X. CARES Program - Children Are Receiving Extended Services

After school child care is available every day school is in session (including half days). Services are available until 5:45 P.M. There is a fee for this program.

XI. Emergency Drills

Shelter-in-Place, Lockdown, Evacuation and Fire Drills are practiced throughout the school year.

XII. Emergency Closing

Please visit our website, check emails, listen to phone messages, television scrolls for school closings, late openings and early dismissals.

Any time there is a possibility of emergency closings, late openings of school, or emergency early dismissal, parents/guardians must check the website and listen to the phone message. 

Please inform your child/children as to where they should go if an emergency closing should be necessary during school hours, especially if you are working parents/guardians. They should be aware of some prearranged destination.

It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to set up an emergency plan for their child if there is an unexpected closing of any kind at St. Mark School.

Field Trips

Field trips supplement class instruction and are most worthwhile. A faculty member assisted by other adults must accompany the students on any field trip. Signed permission slips and information slips are required from each pupil who goes on the trip. A complete information slip will have a plan for students in the event they return to school after dismissal.

A class trip is a privilege, which can be taken away if a teacher deems it appropriate. Students who are not permitted on a field trip either by their parents/guardians or by the teacher must report to school, as that day is not a school holiday.

XIII. Volunteers

The assistance of volunteers is greatly appreciated and encouraged. We recognize the valuable assistance given by our students' families, which helps in building a strong learning community. Volunteers assist in some of the following ways:

  • Chaperones
  • Classroom helpers
  • Home and School events

All volunteers must report to the school office to sign in.

Volunteers must have updated Criminal and Child Abuse Clearances. All volunteers must also have FBI Clearance, and take the Standards for Ministerial Behavior Course.

XIV. Lunchtime

The lunch period is from 11:00 to 12:30.

The Nutritional Development Program provides all students with a free breakfast and lunch should they want to order it.  Soda, juices high in sugar, fast food, or candy is not encouraged.

XV. Health and Safety Plan During Covid 19 Pandemic

We have been busy working on how to reopen our school with a high priority on student and staff safety. Please keep in mind that this plan can change at any time.

This document outlines the key components of our plan to reopen our school in September.  All decision-makers should be mindful that as long as there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, there are no strategies that can completely eliminate transmission risk within a school.  The goal is to keep transmission as low as possible to safely continue school activities.

Saint Mark School plans for total reopen for all students and staff on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Pandemic Coordinator/Team

Maria Sanson - Pandemic Coordinator
Father Mooney - Pastor
Fred Perazzelli - Business Manager
Mrs. Amy DelRossi - Upper Level Teacher Coordinator
Mrs. Ashley O'Neil - Primary Level Teacher Coordinator
Mrs. Ronnie Walker - School Nurse
Mr. Ron Walker - Advisory Board Chairperson
Mrs Juanita Diamond - Building Operations
Mr. Tom Diamond - Building Operations
Mr. Pablo Berrocal - Building Operations
Mrs. Julie Balcer - School Families
Mrs. Kerilyn Walker - School Families

Pandemic Crisis Response Team Consultants

David C. Damsker,M.D., M.P.H. - Bucks County Department of Health
Dr. Mindy Ratini - Local Physician and Parishioner
Archdiocese of Philadelphia - Catholic Schools Onward Taskforce

Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, Ventilation
  • Every classroom, restroom, nurse's office, main office, hallways, and cafeteria will be cleaned, sanitized and disinfected every night.
  • High touch surfaces will be cleaned frequently throughout the school day, such as doorknobs, remotes, desktops, and light switches by faculty.
  • Classroom equipment will be disinfected after each use.
  • Signage will be throughout the building reminding students and staff to practice good hygiene.
  • Signage will be in each classroom and throughout the building reminding students and staff to practice good hygiene.
  • Frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer by faculty and students when students arrive to school, before and after morning breaks, lunch, recess, classroom activities and dismissal.
  • Air purifiers are in all classrooms and offices. Exhaust fan will run all day as well in the 5th grade classroom. 
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in the hallways near entrances and in other strategic areas.
  • Each student must provide their own supplies to reduce the need to share supplies.
  • Windows will remain open throughout school day except for during inclement weather.
  • NO use of water fountains.  Students must bring water bottles to school.  We will have water bottles available for emergencies.
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
  • Every day, parents are primarily responsible for monitoring the health of their children.
  • Teachers will be reminded to check the health of their students during a common activity.
  • School will implement random temperature monitoring.
  • Faculty and Staff will be responsible for taking their temperature each morning.
  • As people travel about the building, masks must be worn.
  • Desks will be arranged 3 feet from the center of each desk to the center of the next desk. 
  • When materials must be shared, cleaning in between uses is essential.  
  • Bathroom breaks will be staggered.
  • Limited number of students will be permitted in bathroom. 
  • NDS will provide packaged breakfast and lunch.  No pretzels will be sold this year.
  • Pre K students will eat lunch in their classroom. 
  • Grades K-8 will eat in the gym. All students will be 3 feet apart and in diagnols. 
  • No shared food or snacks under any circumstances.
  • Student will not be allowed to bring any outside equipment from home to be played with outside.
  • The 21st Century Learning program will be held in the school building. They will provide a safe, healthy, and sanitized environment. Masks will be worn. 
  • CCD will be held in the school building. They will provide a safe, healthy, and sanitized environment. Masks will be worn. 
  • CARES Program will be available and will provide a safe, healthy and sanitized environment for those students entrusted to our care.  Masks will be worn. 
  • Parents will not be allowed to enter the area where CARES program is being held. Parents will be met at the door when picking up their children.
  • Packaged snacks and drinks will be provided during CARES.  There will be no snack sharing.
  • Only virtual field trips will be planned.
  • No parent will be permitted to access the classrooms.
  • Dismissal will be modified to departure of one classroom at a time.
  • Due to the effects of the Delta variant is having on children students must wear masks only. Face shields can be worn only for medical reasons. The school must have documentation from the physician stating the reason for not wearing a mask and only wearing a face shield. 

Monitoring Student and Staff Health
  • Every day, parents are primarily responsible for monitoring the health of their children.
  • Inclusion of parents' responsibility for students' health monitoring policy will be included in school handbook.
  • Guidance will be provided for parents health monitoring.
  • Teachers will check the health of their students during a common activity.
  • School will implement random temperature monitoring.
  • Families will be notified of any COVID cases in your child's classroom.
  • When students are experiencing discomfort or potential symptoms of COVID, they will be sent to the Nurse's Office where they are isolated from others.
  • Personal Protective Equipment will be set-up upon entry of the Nurse's Office.
  • Triage center will be set-up outside of Nurse's Office for minor injuries and illnesses.  No medication will be administered to students at any time.
  • Masks must be worn at all times when visiting the Nurse's Office.
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Calendar at a Glance
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No School / Professional Development Day
Ash Wednesday / 8:00 am Mass
Faculty Retreat / No School
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