Safe Environment Page
Welcome to the Saint Mark Parish and School Volunteer page!
Thank you for your interest in helping at our parish.
Archdiocesan policy requires that all adults (school/parish staff, parish/school volunteers, and coaches) having access to or regular contact with minors comply with all Safe Environment requirements, including background clearances, training, etc, before helping. This page was created to assist you, by providing the links, forms, and information, making it easier for you to follow and access from home. If you don't have access to a computer to apply online, you can request a physical volunteer packet to mail in your applications, by contacting Juanita at the Safe Environment office at 215-788-7266.
Information for Volunteers
Thank you to all our volunteers for all you do to support our Parish and School! The following information provides the Safe Environment guidelines which reflect the changes to the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services laws which came into effect in 2015.
Take a few minutes to select the type of volunteer you would like to be, under the Required Forms and Training section below. Then request the required clearances, review and sign the forms, and register for the needed training(s) listed in that section. Once completed, please return the information/results to the safe environment office for you to begin your ministry to children of our parish/school.
Upcoming Classes for Staff and Volunteers
As per the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, beginning in July 2021, they will offer Protecting God's Children as a live online training session facilitated by OCYP staff.
Participants will be able to register at and will then receive instructions to log in. Sessions are limited to 20 participants and will be offered at different times of the day. Participants will not be permitted to join without pre-registration and must keep their cameras on throughout the session.
For your convenience, the next Live Online Sessions will be held on:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 9:30 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 9:30 AM
These sessions will be conducted in English.
Notes: This training is 2 1/2 hours long and will be conducted via a ZOOM meeting. Please make sure you download the ZOOM software or application to your device before the session. You will receive an email with a link to the session at least two days prior from Please check your spam/trash folder if you do not receive the email. Please log in to the session at least 15 minutes before the start of training to check in and to ensure that any issues can be resolved. Late arrivals will not be admitted. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted in the session. Due to the sensitive nature of the material being discussed, please do not have any minors present with you during the session. You will need to remain visible (video-enabled), engaged, and actively participating during the entire session to receive credit for attending.
Register early because they fill up quickly.
At registration, you must provide a valid email for us to send the Zoom invitation and you may need to download the ZOOM software or application to your device. We recommend that you use a desktop, laptop, or tablet for the best training experience. If you have any questions about this training, you can contact the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 215-587-2466.
Queen of the Universe Parish (Levittown)
Thursday, January 30, 2025 @ 6:00 PM
Estimated length of session:3 hrs
Language: English
Notes: Next to the school.
Contact: Sue Raffin (
Due to the sensitive nature of the material being discussed, no one under the age of 18 will be permitted to attend the sessions. Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in and receive the training materials. Regardless of registration, no late arrivals will be admitted. If you need to change your session registration, please visit, log in using the user ID and password you selected during your initial registration, and select another session.
Our next in-person session- TBA @ 6:30 PM in the Saint Mark School Gym- 1024 Radcliffe Street, Bristol PA 19007.
If you are helping or plan to help out this year, or at any time in the future, as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, CCD/PREP Teacher/Aide, CYO Coach/helper, parish volunteer, or at the school in the lunchroom or classroom, and will have regular contact with children (at least one time per week), This one-time training is an Archdiocesan requirement.
This session is FREE, but pre-registration on is required.
Don't miss this opportunity, not many sessions are offered in this area. Register online or by calling our Safe Environment office @ 215-788-7266 asap.
This session is open to everyone, so if you know anyone outside our parish who needs this training, let them know.
Required Forms and Training
If you want to help as a chaperone (with some possible contact) the Archdiocese requires you to have the following on file:
- Current PA Child Abuse Clearance: (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to create an online account and complete the application.
- Current PA State Police Criminal Background Check: (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to complete the application.
- Federal Criminal History Record: FBI Fingerprints: (need to turn in every 5 years. If you have lived in PA for 10 years continuously, skip this and turn in #4 the Volunteer Disclosure.) If you live outside PA or have not lived in PA continuously for the last 10 years, you must register (under the dept. of education) to get FBI fingerprints using the link below, and turn in the results. Let us know if you have lived in PA for 10 years or more. Register for your prints at, enter the appropriate code, click on "schedule or manage appointment" and add information.
- School staff/volunteers- Under DPE-(non-public school):
- Staff/teacher code: 1KG6TR.
- School volunteer code: 1KG6ZJ.
- Parish and non-school staff/volunteers- Under DHS-OCYF:
- Parish staff 18yrs+ use 1KG738.
- Parish staff ages 14-17 use 1KG756.
- Parish volunteers use 1KG6ZJ.
- School staff/volunteers- Under DPE-(non-public school):
- Signed copies of the Volunteer DisclosureAgreement English/Spanish
(need to turn in every 5 years) If you have lived in the state of Pennsylvania for 10 continuous years, review, print out, sign, and return, in place of the FBI Fingerprints. - Signed Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement Form - Review the Mandated Reporter brochure by using these links in English /Spanish, then print out the form in English/ Spanish, sign it, and return it.
If you plan on helping out at the school or parish for events or holiday activities a few times during the year including but not limited to: School Dances, Parties, Trunk or Treat, Race for Education, Spirit Day, Hospitality Sunday, Annual St. Valentine's Day Dance, Annual St. Patrick's Day Social, Blue Mass Social, Italian Carnival, Annual Parish Picnic, Paschal Meal and Agape and other Holiday Events (some possible contact), the Archdiocese requires you to have the following on file:
- Current PA Child Abuse Clearance - (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to create an online account and complete the application.
- Current PA State Police Criminal Background Check - (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to complete the application.
- Federal Criminal History Record: FBI Fingerprints - (need to turn in every 5 years. If you have lived in PA for 10 years continuously, skip this and turn in #4 the Volunteer Disclosure.) If you live outside PA or have not lived in PA continuously for the last 10 yrs, you must register (under the dept. of education or Dept. of Human Services) to get FBI fingerprints using the codes/link below, and turn in the results. Let us know if you have lived in PA for 10 years or more. Register for your prints at, enter the appropriate code, then click on "schedule or manage appointment" and add information.
- School staff/volunteers- Under DPE-(non-public school):
- Staff/teacher code: 1KG6TR.
- School volunteer code: 1KG6ZJ.
- Parish and non-school staff/volunteers- Under DHS-OCYF:
- Parish staff 18yrs+ use 1KG738.
- Parish staff ages 14-17 use 1KG756.
- Parish volunteers use 1KG6ZJ.
- School staff/volunteers- Under DPE-(non-public school):
- Signed copies of the VolunteerDisclosureAgreement English/Spanish
(need to turn in every 5 years) If you have lived in the state of Pennsylvania for 10 continuous years, review, print out, sign, and return in place of FBI fingerprints. - Signed Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement Form - Review the Mandated Reporter brochure by using these links in English /Spanish, then print out the form in English/Spanish sign and return it.
- Certificate from the Mandated Reporter Online Training (1-hour session): Log on to the website, and select "register now" to create your online account. Once the account is set up, select and complete the Mandated Reporter Training online. Once completed, print out your certificate.**
If you want to help at the school or parish and have regular contact with children (at least one time per week), the Archdiocese requires you to have the following on file:
- Current PA Child Abuse Clearance - (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to create an online account and complete the application.
- Current PA State Police Criminal Background Check - (Need to turn in every 5 years) Volunteers can request a free one every 5 years. Use the link below to complete the application.
- Federal Criminal History Record: FBI Fingerprints (need to turn in every 5 years. If you have lived in PA for 10 years continuously, skip this and turn in #4 the Volunteer Disclosure.) Required for all paid staff. If you live outside PA or have not lived in PA continuously for the last 10 years, you must register (under the dept. of Education or Dept. of Human Services) to get FBI fingerprints using the codes and link below and turn in the results. Let us know if you have lived in PA for 10 years or more. Register for your prints at, enter the appropriate code, then click on "schedule or manage appointment" and add information.
- School staff/volunteers- Under DPE-(non-public school):
- Staff/teacher code: 1KG6TR.
- School volunteer code: 1KG6ZJ. - Parish and non-school staff/volunteers- Under DHS-OCYF:
- Parish staff 18yrs+ use 1KG738.
- Parish staff ages 14-17 use 1KG756.
- Parish volunteers use 1KG6ZJ. (CYO Coaches)
4. Signed copies of the VolunteerDisclosureAgreement English/Spanish
(need to turn in every 5 years) If you have lived in the state of
Pennsylvania for 10 continuous years, review, print out, sign, and
return, in place of FBI fingerprints.
5. Signed Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement Form - Review the
Mandated Reporter brochure by using these links in English /Spanish,
then print out the form in English/Spanish, sign it, and return it.
6. Certificate from the Mandated Reporter Online Training - (1-hour
session) Log on to the website and select "register now" to create your
online account. Once the account is set up, select and
complete the Mandated Reporter Training online. Once completed,
print out your certificate.**
7. Certificate from the Protecting God's Children Awareness Session
(one time, 2.5 hours.) Begin this process by logging on to Select "first-time registrant" on the left side of
the screen, then select "Begin Registration Process", then select
"Philadelphia Archdiocese" from the drop-down list, and register for
one of the in-person or live online sessions. You will receive a
confirmation email as a reminder.
Once this class is completed, please allow 2-4 weeks for
the Archdiocese to process and confirm attendance and activate your
online training certificate. Then log back into your account, print
and submit a copy to us by dropping it off at the parish office or
by emailing it to us in PDF form.
Please FORWARD THE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES/RESULTS to the St. Mark Parish Safe Environment Office upon completion. Email to or mail to St. Mark Parish Office, 1024 Radcliffe Street, 19007 Bristol PA.
Volunteers who reside in Pennsylvania DO NOT have a provisional period and MUST OBTAIN clearances before beginning service.
Volunteers who reside in another state or country may serve for no more than 30 days as long as they provide clearances from their state or country of residence.
For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office of Child and Youth Protection website or call Juanita B. Diamond, our Safe Environment Coordinator at (215) 788-7266 or send an email to, with any questions.
Important: No Employee or volunteer should begin to work with children without the PA State Police Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Clearance, signed Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement, and Disclosure for Provisional Employment or Volunteer Disclosure Forms.
Employees - If they are new hires and live out of state, the Pastor may permit them to work with children during a provisional period (90 days) if they can show proof that background check requests have been submitted, as long as they provide clearances from their state or country of residence. Their work with children must also be supervised during this period.
Volunteers - If they have not lived in PA for 10 continuous years, they will have a 30-day provisional period to provide clearances.
Anyone who doesn't comply will not be allowed to volunteer at our parish or school until all requirements have been met.
Updated clearances must be turned in every 5 years. Those volunteers with outdated clearances will be moved to "inactive status" and will not be permitted to help until new ones are received. If you are not sure about your status, contact the Safe Environment office @ 215-788-7266.
Click here to view the OCYP Parent Resource Guidebook 2024, a tool for parents to support child abuse prevention.