Welcome to the St. Mark CYO Page!
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia Minitry Handbook
Athletics Director:
Daniel VanBuskirk-
Greg Pezza-
Christopher Ziegelhofer-
Matthew Shaw-
Danielle Webb-
Be a registered member of our parish and attend our school or CCD/PREP program.
Everyone who wishes to participate in our program must review and follow the rules in our
St. Mark CYO Handbook (Click on this link to view)
Participants, parents, and coaches are also asked to review our handbook, then print out, sign, and return the following forms, found on the last pages:
1. St. Mark CYO Player, Parent, and Coach Code of Conduct Agreement
2. St. Mark Consent Form- Posting Pictures/Videos of Minors
3. Agreement and Release of Liability
Once completed, both forms should be returned to the coordinators.
We can always use a little help...
Parents wishing to volunteer with this program, should visit our Volunteer Page and turn in the requested forms in "Group C" before helping out.
Then they should also click on the image below to take the online Catholic Coaching Essentials Training listed in the coaches orientation information section of cyophilly.com
and click on the link to review other important program requirements 2023-2024 Archdiocese of Philadelphia CYO Handbook.
Registration link for all our CYO Programs:
If you are eligible and want to participate in one or all of our programs, click the link above to select your sport and register.
Parents wishing to volunteer can also sign up by using this link.
March through June
Registration opens in January
All St. Mark Students, PREP/CCD Students, or Confirmed Students in 1st through 8th grade are eligible to join.
Register online using the blue sombrero link above.
A registration fee of $60 is due at sign-up.
If you need a uniform singlet, the cost is $25 and shorts are $20.
All Registrations and payments must be turned in before the first practice.
Practices: Begin on Monday, March 4th
Location: Bristol High School Track, from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Days: Monday through Friday for grades 4th to 8th Graders
Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 1st to 3rd graders
Meets: On Sundays
If you have any questions please contact: Head Coach Chris Ziegelhofer @ cziegelhofer@comcast.net
We need a few parents to step up and help out with coaching, no experience is necessary, but clearances are required. (See the link above for other volunteer requirements)
March through April
Registration opens in March
St. Mark Short Shots is a Skills-Based Clinic and Lightly Competitive Intramural Play for children in Grades K-4.
Open to all St Mark School and CCD students.
Two days a week athletes will have the opportunity to learn to dribble, pass, shoot, and play basic defense. Each session will last from 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. For the first 30-45 minutes of each session, athletes will be taught the fundamentals of basketball in a clinic-like atmosphere with very little downtime. For the last 30-45 minutes athletes will compete in intramural games while also learning the rules of basketball.
When: March 5th through March 26th, 2024
Tuesday- March 5th, March 12th, March 19th and March 26th
Thursday- March 7th
Where: St. Mark School Gym from 5:45 PM-7:00 PM
Fee: TBA
Contact: Maggy McCay with questions @ 215-791-0768.
Register here: https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1390152
August through November
Registration Opens in May
Open to St. Mark school students and CCD/PREP participants
in grades Pre-K to 8th.
August 1, 2024 to November 20, 2024
2024 Fees (based on grade for the 24/25 school year):
Pre-K-(Skills and Drills. Aug 1st-Nov 1st) $50
K to 4th grade - $80
5th to 8th - $105
To register use the bluesombrero link above or contact the coordinator (Matt @ 267-980-5238) with questions.
Parents I just looked up the numbers and they are up since last week, but we still need more kids to sign up for soccer.
If your child is planning to play please sign them up asap.
If you know other parents/children that want to play please encourage them to sign up asap.
We can start practicing on 8/5 or 8/12 - this way we get 4 weeks in before games start on 9/7.
If you have any questions please reach out to me at 267-980-5238.
Here is the current list:
K-1 - 11 kids- Coach Laura Estey
2nd grade - 4 kids- no coach yet
3-4 Boys - 10 kids- Coach Jose
3-4 Girls - 4 kids- Coach Nia
5-6 Boys - 7 kids- Coach Shaun
5-6 Girls - 4 kids- Coach Maggie
7-8 Boys - 4 kids- no coach (I can help but with doing the coordination I was looking for some help)
7-8 Girls - 8 kids- Coach Matt Walker
Message from Dan VanBuskirk-Athletic Director- June 10, 2024
Hello St Mark Family,
2024 Fall Soccer registration is now open to all St Mark Students and PREP students. Practices will begin in early August. You can find the registration link on the St Mark Athletics Page or use the below link.
Please note that this year we are handling jersey orders separately from registration. As an organization we spend a lot of money on new uniforms every year because our kids usually out grow their uniforms even though they are still in like new condition. We have been contemplating a way to be more efficient in re-using jerseys in good condition and hopefully reduce the need to purchase new jerseys every season. We are going to have a jersey exchange/donation event this year on June 11th from 6p-7p in the St Mark gym. Please bring any CLEAN uniforms in good condition that you are willing to exchange for a new size. Or please bring jersey's you are willing to donate. We will set up tables for each size and try to see how well this works. Obviously, the more that participate, the better the results. After the jersey exchange we will send out an email requesting jersey orders for the 2024 season. We are looking forward to a fun season!!
Registration Link.
November through February
Registration opens in October
Grades 4th-8th
Register using the link above
We are asking if you would like to sign your child up for basketball for the 2024-25 season, please Do so ASAP. Rosters are due in by October 8th.
Good Morning, CYO families, we have officially opened basketball registration for the 2024-25 season. Please see the information below regarding what to expect for the upcoming season! We look forward to another great season!
https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1390152 (https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1390152)
We are excited to announce our plan for new uniforms program-wide. We understand that this adds a financial burden which is why we are committed to raising as much of the funds as possible.
•We will distribute five $5.00 50/50 chances for each athlete to sell with a drawing to be done at a home game sometime in early December (Christmas Money:)) Details will be announced once registration is complete.
•Further, we will be raising funds at the Bristol Sunday Stroll, Dining nights out, and will continue to rack our brains for other fundraising opportunities.
•Any financial shortfalls after fundraising will be the responsibility of the athletes